Sunday 30 November 2014

The day our mums came to visit..

This weekend me and my two best friends were visited by our delightful mums. Despite our raging hangovers from the night before, and a cheeky tactical chunder outside the German market we had a great day. Even if at times it was like taking 3 kids out (our mums). 

The day began with no lie in, and instead all three of us woke up with a hangover.  After numerous moans we all made it out and met in city, and from there we headed towards the German Market. 
The German Market is a little festive cove full of christmassy gifts (some of it is tack), and lots of food. It doesn't take long to go around it all, but you definitely need to go there just to check it out. 

 From here we went and got some lunch. We had lovely table booked at The Crafthouse in the trinity centre which I would definitely recommend.  We all had a roast which helped cure our hangovers, while our mums also got rather merry on prosecco.  After sitting and chatting for god knows how long we decided it was time to move on.

The next destination was Primark to get the annual grim Christmas jumper that will probably only get worn once and will then end up in the back of my closet. In all honesty though Primark do have a pretty big selection, however they don't seem to have any smaller sizes in the ones that look vaguely nice. However we all found one, despite looking a bit baggy! 

The best place to shop or just walk around in Leeds is the arcades. I love the Victorian Quarter especially now its looking so festive. With that in my mind our last stop was here.

After a browse in the Victorian Quarter we started to head home, and once we had said our goodbyes they were gone, and we back to the reality of being a student.
This weekend has flown by but its been a good one; full of drunken antics with my favourite people, as well as a lovely day with our mums. 
Next week brings a Christmas ball and numerous Christmas lunches as the end of term draws near. 
The reality that in a couple of weeks I'll be going home is slightly depressing, but I'm looking forward to Christmas and seeing what the new year brings.

Have a good week, 
the average brown eyed girl x


Friday 21 November 2014

A festive home

Seeing as though many of this years christmas adverts have already been released, I thought it would only be appropriate to do a blog all about decorating your home at christmas. Every year people seem to put their decorations up earlier and earlier, so with that in mind I thought I would give you some inspiration on how you can make your house that little bit more festive this year. 

Decorating your home at christmas should not be a chore! 
It should be an exciting activity that  brings the whole family together. I don't know about you but in my family we have a specific routine that we do each year. Me and my dad often go and get the tree while my mums on her way home from work. This normally takes a lot longer than expected as my dads always moaning and worrying about where we're going to put it, and that its too big! 
Once the tree is in its prime position in our living room my dad normally gets the hoover out to clear up all the mess the tree has caused, during its pursuit from the car into the living room. This is then followed by an annual trip into the loft to get down all the boxes filled with decorations. 
While my dads faffing around clearing up, me and my mum begin the work on the christmas tree, as well as putting up all the christmas ornaments.  Eventually my dad will start putting the lights up around the house, to which every year he realises that some don't work anymore! Meanwhile Alfie (the dog) will have his head in a box no doubt chewing one of the ornaments that is meant to be going on the tree.  
You would have thought that seeing as though there is only four of us (I include the dog) it would be a lot less manic and way more calm, but how wrong can you be!

Below are a few items that I love and think are a must when decorating your home this christmas.  

 1. Candles are an essential at christmas time. They don't just provide a warmth atmosphere, but they make your house smell lovely, especially if you've got lots of guests over.  This candle holder is from Homebase. It gives off a  rustic, Scandinavian feel, that will work well in anyones home. A combination of 3 of these would work beautifully on top of the fire place.

2. Wreaths are one of the many christmas traditions that never grow old. Whether they appear on your front door, or as a table decoration, they still bring a festive feel in to your home. This wreath is from Zara and I have fallen in love with it. Its so simple and looks so elegant.

3. No matter what age you are advent calendars will bring you that little bit of happiness, as it gives you an excuse to have a piece of chocolate every morning. This contemporary calendar is from Zara. The little buckets for each day are unique and add an element of personalisation, to which you can decide what to put inside. 

 4. With the usual predictions that the coldest winter ever is on its way, and with the cliche image of christmas and snow. Theres no better way to spend an evening snuggled up on the sofa with a fur blanket,  the fire on, and a christmas movie on TV.
This fur blanket is from Zara.

These four christmas essentials will add a little warmth and character into your home this year.

The Average Brown Eyed Girl x