Tuesday 4 August 2015

What's in my beach bag?

So activity on this blog has been pretty much non-existent over the past few months. Apologies.

But i'm back, and with the holiday season well and truly begun, theres no better time to share with you what I pack in my beach bag.
I'm a big lover of straw bags and this year I came across this little beauty in the OYSHO sale. It is the perfect size to carry all my stuff around, not to big and not to small; and the price was pretty great as well, £15!.

Below is a list of my beach essentials..

1. Suncream
The most important thing in my bag. There is nothing worse than seeing people with big bright red burns all over their body, which will no doubt peel in due course making it look like they've got a skin condition. So be responsible and slap that suncream on!!

2. Face cream
I normally use a different suncream for my face. I try and use an anti-ageing face cream as my mum has quite rightly taught me that our faces show age the most, and the more we look after our skin now, the healthier and younger we'll look when we're older. 

3. Sunglasses
Whatever brand or style you like sunglasses are a must! My current pair is from Le Specs which is a brand featured on ASOS. They are a well priced and good quality brand. 

4.  Wide tooth Comb
I have very thick hair and the sea can often make it knotty and dry. Therefore a wide tooth comb is essential to get all those knots and tangles out. This comb is by GHD which I brought on Feel Unique for £7.50. I thoroughly recommend it as it doesn't break your hair as much as normal brushes do.

5. Argan Oil 
After constant exposure to heat and salty water my hair often feels extremely dry at the ends. Therefore I try to remember to apply a walnut sized amount of Argan oil onto the ends of my hair after each time I get my hair wet in the sea. I then simply put it up in a bun to protect it from the sun as well as allowing the oil to moisturise the ends. I would also recommend buying a hair treatment for when your on holiday. Make sure you try and use it up to 2/3 times a week when you have a shower. The treatment helps your hair to restore its moisture. 

6. Hat
This is not an essential but for those of you who are hat fans they are often a good way to hide a bad hair day, protect your hair and head from the sun, and of course they help you to bring an element of style to the beach! The Panama hat is definitely my go to summer hat this year. This one is from River Island. 

7. Books and magazines
Summer for me is more or less the only time where I truly find a passion for reading. There is nothing better than reading a book and getting so into it you can't put it down! My recent purchase was The Versions of us by Laura Barnett and I read it on holiday and it was so good I even shed a few tears towards the end. 

8. My trusty little red notebook
You never know when you might want to write something down or draw something,  so I carry this moleskin round with me just incase a bright idea comes to mind.

9. Deodorant
There is nothing worse than the smell of BO, so wherever I go deodorant comes too. You don't want to be that person on the beach that smells!! 

And that is all. I hope you enjoyed this little blog.
Don't forget to let me know what you think below,

The Average Brown Eyed Girl xox