Sunday 22 February 2015

Make your life simple.

This week my shopping habit got a little bit out of control. What was meant to be a browse round the shopping centre in Leeds, and a day trip to York, ended up with me making one to many purchases. Although i have not yet entered the dark days of being overdrawn the dark cloud is currently hovering over me, reminding me to watch the pennies. However aside from a dent in my bank balance the purchases i made were well and truly worth it.

Below are some of the purchases I made, and below that is a little insight into my day trip to York.

This weak I have brought a bit of spring into my wardrobe. The black that populates the majority of my wardrobe at the moment is starting to be over run by some actual colour!

1) This jumpsuit is from H&M I tried it on and fell in love and after that there was only one thing I could do, and that was buy it! Its a great quality product that fits really well and gives off a very sophisticated look. Definitely something I would recommend.

2) This shirt is from River Island. The intention was to buy a white shirt, but I tried on this soft pink one and I really liked it. It's something different, not a colour that I would usually wear so I thought why not! However they also do this shirt in white, so I think I may have to take another trip into the city to buy it.

3) This jumper is from Mango. Its a really casual jumper that is super soft. In my opinion you can never have too many jumpers as they are always a great addition to any ones wardrobe.

4) Last but not least is this yellow jumper from Zara. I love the colour of it, and in SS15 this would look great paired with some white jeans and a big statement necklace.

Trip to York

Aside from making purchases I did have a lovely trip to York yesterday (Saturday). It was so nice to get out of Leeds for the day and do something a bit different. My best friend was meeting some of her family there for a day out and invited me along, of course I said yes. The train cost around £8 for a return so I would definitely recommend it, as its such good value for money.

We spent the day looking around all the shops, where of of course a few purchases were made. We also had a lovely Italian lunch which definitely hit the spot for all of us. Shopping in York is definitely something I would recommend, we even thought it could be better than Leeds.

We all bought some fudge there, which probably did nothing for our teeth but who cares it tasted nice!

Below are a few snippets from the day:

All in all it was a great day, and we finished it off with grabbing some dinner in a lovely tapas restaurant in leeds. 

Next week is going to be even better as I'm heading back home from thursday!

And finally my last note of the week is from Zara. 

Have a good week,
Love the average brown eyed girl x

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