Friday 2 January 2015

Happy New Year!

2014 has been a good year. I'm sure like everyone its had its ups and downs, but either way I hope everyone came into 2015 either thoroughly intoxicated or just downright happy! 

The start of the new year is always highly predictable,

1. New years resolutions are often made but never stuck with
2. Diet plans are put into force to burn off the mountains of food that was consumed over christmas 
3. ...and finally the sales start where you find all the gifts you brought for people at half the price, alongside an extreme dent in your bank account.

However instead of drowning in the January blues, I thought I would just reminisce and share little snippets of my christmas with you. 

1. Just before all the christmas events started it was my dads birthday so we had a day out in London. It included a tapas lunch at Polpo, a spot of shopping, afternoon tea and an evening watching the Jersey Boys.

2. Christmas Eve consisted of cocktails with the girls. 

3. Christmas day. The day consisted of opening presents, eating way to much food and playing games with all the family. 

and even Alf got into the christmas spirit.....

4. Boxing Day included more eating and the annual dog walk across the hills. 

5. Finally after all the christmas shinanigans were over the final event of 2014 was upon us and we entered the new year in style. 

I can safely say its been a good christmas, and with the new year upon us its time i hit the gym and got back to eating healthy. Christmas has definitely taken its toll on me! 

the average brown eyed girl x

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