Sunday 4 January 2015

New year, New room.

January is a month that can only be described as bleak, dull and downright depressing. With that in mind, I thought I would set my mind on a little project which involves doing up my room at home. I am fully aware that i will be back to uni in 2-3 weeks and you'll probably all be thinking whats the point.
However when I came home for Christmas my room didn't feel like it used to, and quite frankly I didn't really like it anymore.  So I thought why not take the opportunity and it give it a new years refurbishment/re-style, whatever you want to call it. I have such long holidays at uni anyway, so in my opinion its so worth it.

I have a love for the rustic chalet style look. I think it can look so effortlessly stylish especially with the combination of old wood and more contemporary furniture. With that in mind I've decided to try and convey that style into my own room. 

The inspiration....

The real dream, that will remain a dream...

With ideas buzzing around in my mind i can wait to start buying pieces and sharing this mini project with you all.

Keep tuned in,

the average brown eyed girl. 

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