Monday 20 October 2014

Re-live but change nothing.

It's been one of them weekends that you want to look back on and re-live, but change nothing. Life in Leeds gets better everyday, and things are slowly beginning to workout to the point where I've finally,  (well almost) got into a routine. This weekend I was blessed with the presence of my parents. It's so nice when you haven't seen people in ages and you finally get to see them (face time doesn't count). Being away from home has also made me more appreciative of my parents.

My Saturday with my parents consisted of shopping, food, shopping, food. A few cheeky purchases were brought for me but nothing major. The best bit though was a late afternoon pit stop to recharge the batteries at Filmore and Union in the Victoria Quarter.

This is a place I've never been to before, but I will definitely be going back. Like most people I love a good bit of cake, and from the minute we arrived I was presented with a display of mouth-watering cakes.

The vast array of cakes made my choice even harder. After turning the waiter away numerous times I finally decided to go for a Raspberry and Polenta muffin.  My parents on the other hand went for a banana and pecan loaf, and a scone and jam. Unfortunately I couldn't resist and tucked straight in before realising I should have taken a picture, apologies. Even this photo doesn't do it justice, it was that good!

The deli itself is placed in the heart of the Victorian Quarter with a cosy, stylish and relaxing atmosphere. For those who feel the cold there was even blankets on offer to wrap yourself up in. Filmore and Union is not only a deli, but also a restaurant, offering fresh, seasonal and healthy food in a contemporary atmosphere. Their ethos is all about creating delicious recipes with clean and healthy produce. If the cakes are anything to go by then I'm sure I won't be disappointed with the food. 
For all those who love good quality, healthy food and cakes, be sure to check it out.
The Average Brown Eyed Girl x

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