Friday 17 October 2014

The Average Brown Eyed Girl is officially a university student

Its been 3 weeks since the nerve-racking day where I left behind my beloved dog, parents and friends to begin the journey as a Leeds University Student.  The car was full to the brim, to the point where I couldn't put my feet on the floor, and my head was squashed up against the window (no word of a lie).

Up until leaving for university I had been having the usual pre-uni anxieties; where you start to question do you even want to go! Even in my first few days I occasionally asked myself what am I doing here! but my parents repeatedly reminded me that "everyone will be feeling the same." You get the occasional person though, who somehow manages to make their "best friend" in the first few days, but they are in the minority.

It wasn't until recently though that I realised I do have quite a bit of spare time, and its very easy to spend a lot of it in bed claiming your "reading", when in reality your napping.
From my sheer boredom I decided to create a blog, and from that The Average Brown Eyed Girl was born.

A little glimpse into my palace...


Love The Brown Eyed Girl x

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